CannaEssence Flower Essences for the New Consciousness

"Energy Medicine is the Future of Medicine" Dr Oz on the Oprah Show


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What is Ascension? Ascension symptoms are in reference to the process of spiritual ascension, spiritual awakening or the evolution of a new expanded consciousness for the human experience.  The definition of ascension means to “rise up, to mount, go up” in different cultures

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Our Mission is to help connect people to their PEMS (Physical, Emotional, Mental & Spiritual) bodies so they can uplift themselves out of pain to be who they were born to be. We offer conscious, sustainable and beautiful products to help the world become self aware 1 drop at a time. Our mission is to help humankind reach self awareness by connecting with their PEMS. By supporting the PEMS or the Physical, Emotional, Mental & Spiritual parts of a person ascension can occur from a plane of lower existence to one of a much higher vibration.

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